AI Lab AT The Pot

Friday November 24, we extend the day to 11:00-14:00 and welcome Stefan Wendin as an inspirer! For this day we have a limited number of seats, so register now!

Stefan AI

Stefan Wendin is a prominent public speaker, advisor, and transformational leader skilled in driving innovation and business growth. As the former Head of Innovation Lab and  Business Design at Neo4j, he boasts extensive experience integrating technology with business value, including AI, ML, and Large Language Models. Stefan is sought after for his ability to analyze the business landscape and provide tailored solutions for large enterprises and VC-backed companies.

In the session, Stefan will take us on a journey as we explore “The False Dichotomy Between Prompt School and Dystopia:  A story about bots, bytes, and behaviors around the campfire of applied AI”

Every new* paradigm builds upon its predecessor’s insights and cognitive frameworks, simultaneously introducing an auxiliary viewpoint, frequently encompassing elements previously deemed unattainable. 
A dive into the world of AI, we look beyond the prompt “schools” of LinkedIn and the dystopic futures. We learn from previous paradigms and learn to apply new mental models to navigate the fast-growing world

If you have any questions, contact:



Date: 24 November 2023
Time: 11:00 – 14:00
Place: The Pot, Karlskrona


11:00 - 12:00 Stefan

12:00-13:00 Lunch

13:00-14:00 Stefan

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